Marek W. Doniec

Curriculum Vitae


December 2012
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMassachusetts Institute of Technology
Thesis: Autonomous Underwater Data Muling using Wireless Optical Communication and Agile AUV Control
April 2007
M.S. in Computer Science, Yale University
Full scholarship funded by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
GPA: 4.0 / 4.0.
Apr 2007
Certificate in Computer Science, École Polytechnique, France
Grand Prix d’Option (best thesis award in class of 500), European Union scholarship (Erasmus)
Finished with honors.
September 2004
Vordiplom (B.S.) in Computer Science, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
GPA: 4.0 / 4.0 (ranked 1 / 314).

Research Experience

August 2007 –
MIT Robust Robotics Group, Cambridge, MA
Advisor: Prof. Nicholas Roy
Researching estimation and control for complex and exotic vehicle morphologies.
August 2007 –
Dec 2012
MIT Distributed Robotics Laboratory, Cambridge, MA
Advisor: Prof. Daniela Rus
Researched automated data retrieval, communication, and controls. Designed and implemented autonomous underwater data muling system to harvest information from subsea sensor nodes, including a state-of-the-art underwater optical communication device. Developed and implemented sensor network for behavioral monitoring of cattle.
May 2011 –
August 2011
Rethink Robotics (formerly Heartland Robotics), Boston, MA
Advisor: Matthew Williamson
Modeled inverse kinematics, gravity compensation, and end-effector force of a seven-degree-of-freedom mechanical arm. Designed and operated test benches and procedures for stress testing as well as frequency and force analysis of mechanical actuators.
September 2010 –
February 2011
Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART), Singapore
Advisor: Prof. Daniela Rus
Oversaw development and production of 100 modular sensor nodes used for pedestrian, car, and bus tracking.
August 2005 –
June 2007
Yale Social Robotics Laboratory, Yale University, New Haven, CT
Advisor: Prof. Brian Scassellati
Researched the development of joint attention for a humanoid robot (the ability to share the focus of attention with a user). Designed and implemented an infant-sized humanoid hand for grasping and pointing, and developed algorithms for hand-eye coordination.
April 2005 –
July 2005
INRIA (National Research Institute for Computer Science and Automation), Saclay, France
Advisor: Prof. Olivier Temam
Designed and implemented in C++ a modular and distributed simulator for chip multiprocessors with hundreds of cores. This work won the Grand Prix d’Option (best thesis award in a class of 500) of the ツole Polytechnique.
October 2003 –
September 2004
Interactive Systems Lab, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Germany
Advisors: Prof. Alex Waibel and Prof. Tanja Schultz.
Developed interface and software architecture for a brain-computer interface based on electroencephalography.

Honors and Awards

November 2012
Best Demo Award, International Conference on Underwater Networks and Systems (WUWNet 2012)
for the demo Robust Real-Time Underwater Digital Video Streaming using Optical Communication
November 2012
Best Paper Award, International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2012)
for the paper Indoor Magnetic Field Characterization for Applications in Localization and Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
July 2007
Best Paper Award, International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL 2007)
for the paper Learning Grounded Semantics With Word Trees: Prepositions and Pronouns
March 2007
Awarded Sterling Prize Fellowship, Yale University.
Offered to the top 30 entering graduate students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (more then 8500 applicants).
Feb 2007
Awarded Francis Upton Fellowship, Princeton University.
The highest honor given to incoming graduate students in the sciences and engineering. Provides tuition, stipend, fees, and travel expenses.
September 2006 –
May 2007
Full Research Assistantship,
Department of Computer Science, Yale University.
August 2005 –
April 2006
DAAD scholarship (German Academic Exchange Service).
Full government scholarship to Yale University covering stipend, tuition, fees, and travel expenses. Candidates are chosen in a national competition.
November 2005
Grand Prix d’Option, École Polytechnique, Paris, France.
Best thesis award given annually to students that have made a major contribution to their research field during their four month research internship.
September 2004 –
July 2005
Erasmus scholarship (European Union).
Exchange program scholarship.

Professional Activities and Service

January 2012
Organization Chair, International Workshop on Mobile Aquamarine Systems, Singapore
September 2012 –
August 2011
CSAIL Student Committee (CSC), Elected Representative
Reviewer for:
Workshop on Wireless Networking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Wi-UAV)
International Journal of Humanoid Robotics (IJHR)
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)

Teaching Experience

September 2011 –
December 2011
Teaching Assistant, MIT, Cambridge, MA
6.142 – Robotics: Systems and Sciences II
January 2007 –
April 2007
Teaching Fellow, Yale University, New Haven, CT
CS112b – Introduction to Programming
September 2006 –
Dezember 2006
Teaching Fellow, Yale University, New Haven, CT
CS201a – Introduction to Computer Science
July 2005
Course Assistant, ACACES 2005, L’Aquila, Italy
Assisted in preparation and gave one lecture of the simulation course at the HiPEAC International Summer School on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for Embedded Systems.

Professional Experience and Skills

SoftwareWindows, Linux, OS X, ROS, Eclipse, Altium Designer, Solidworks, Xilinx ISE, Actel IDE, Word, PowerPoint, Excel
Programming:MATLAB, Java, C/C++, Assembler (ARM, AVR, x86). Familiarity with Lisp, SML, OCaml, Haskell, Pascal, Basic
Fabrication:PCB fabrication, soldering (iron, reflow, IR), milling and turning (manual and CNC), 3D printing, laser-cutting, water-jetting, molding
Foreign Languages:
German (native), Polish (native), French (fluent)

Invited Talks

June 2012Robust Robotics Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Algorithms and Systems for Underwater Observatories
May 2012Industrial Affiliates Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Optical Underwater Communication for Effective Data Transfer
May 2012Wireless Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Optical Underwater Communication for Effective Data Transfer
April 2012NETMIT Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Optical Underwater Communication for Effective Data Transfer
March 2012Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Stanford University
Algorithms and Systems for Underwater Observatories
March 2012MERS Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Optical Underwater Communication for Effective Data Transfer
January 2012International Workshop on Mobile Aquamarine Systems, Singapore
Optical Underwater Communication for Effective Data Transfer
January 2011Acoustic Research Lab (ARL), Singapore
Optical Underwater Communication with AquaOptical
December 2009Hirose Fukushima Lab, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
AMOUR, AquaNodes, and AquaOptical